Maintenance Management Setup Equipment Additional Features
Maintenance Management - HSO NN > Setup > Component
Bestides the equipment, in Maintenance Management it is also possible to work with components. These components can be used for multiple reasons. In general components are used in an equipment structure to define sub sections of the equipment to define operations on the machine sections in detail. However, these sections are not relevant enough to track financially. Components can be linked underneath the equipment and these components are always the lowest level in an equipment structure.
The components can als obe used for the operations since an operation is always related to a combination of a component type, an equipment type and a maintenance schedule. For use see operations.
Component types
Maintenance Management - HSO NN > Setup > Component > Component type
Description |
Description of the component type. |
Details |
Meter type |
The related meter type in case the component is used as a meter. |
Parent equipment types |
Remaining equipment types |
The remaining equipment types can't be used in the creation of a structure with this component type. It can only be used, if the remaining equpment type will add to the "component of" table. |
Component of |
The selected equipment types can be linked to this component type. This means that underneath the equipment type XXX it is allowed to add component YYY. This setup is like the setup of component types from the equipment type will add to the "component of" table |
Button operations
This button opens the operation form, filtered on the selected component type. See operations for these setup.
Button copy fields from
To |
Component type |
Component type that needs to be copied to |
Table |
Which table the fields need to be copied to? This can be either from the equipment type or a project. |
Field name |
The field name that is used to copy to |
From |
From |
Which component type must be copied from. |
Table |
Which table the fields need to be copied from? This can be either from the equipment or a project. |
Field name |
The field name that is used to copy from. |
Maintenance Management - HSO NN > Setup > Operations
When a task is performed, it can be helpful to be able to have some reference values to check if a specific aspect of the equipment is ok or not. I.e. a technician is checking the oil level of a motor. The technician measures in liters. In the reference values and reference group, it is defined that het volume of the oil can vary between 0,9 and 1,1 liter. When the return value is 0,8 liter the return status is "not OK", when the return value is 1,0 the status is "OK".
Reference groups
Maintenance Management - HSO NN > Setup > Operations > Reference groups
Name |
Description of the reference group. |
Reference values
Maintenance Management - HSO NN > Setup > Operations > Reference values
The reference values are defined per reference group and their sorting determines which refrences are OK and which are not OK. When on the operation is defined that the reference value is 6 than only 6 and the ones standing beneath 6 are OK values.
Check type |
Code for the reference value. |
Name |
Description of the reference value, often the same as the check type. |
Component parts
Maintenance Management - HSO NN > Setup > Operations > Component parts
Component parts can be used for the parts of a servicealbe item that isn't relevant as an equipment or component. These parts are typically teh generic parts of a serviceable item lik a power plug or cable. These parts can be serviced but are never part of an equipment structure. While registering operations on a work order task, per operation can be defined on which part the operation was performed.
Description |
Description of the part. |
Operations are recurring standard actions to be executed (possibly in a maintenacne schedule) for a specific type of components. These actions are presented as a checklist, effectively a detailed work instruction to accompany the maintenance tasks. In total 5 operations exist, check, measure, counter readout, calibrate, exchange and operation.
Note: In scheduling, the sum of time estimates defined with the operations is added to the time estimates defined with the equipment types involved in the event. For this reason, the event codes should only account for "overall / Overhead", as detailed time is calculated from the operations.
Type of operation |
Type of operation, choose from dropdown. |
Description |
Description of the operation. This description will also be printed on documentation. |
Details |
Identification |
Maintenance schedule |
The maintence schedule related to this type of operation. It is mandatory to link an operation to a maintenance schedule. When linked to a manual maintenance schedule, it will be a generic operation. These generic operations will be presented in the task. |
Equipment type |
The equipment type related to this type of operation. |
Component type |
Component type related to this type of operation. An operation is always linked to a component type. Enter description here |
Estimation |
Estimated duration |
Estimated duration of the operation. When used in preventive maintenance, this duration will be added to the total estimated number of hours of the task. |
Frequency |
Frequency |
Defines how many times an operation should take place in a defined period. Only used in preventive maintenance. |
Period |
Definition of the period in combination with the frequency. Only used in preventive maintenance. |
Usage volume |
Give the volume in comma separated values, related to the volume usage unit. The operation should be performed when this quantity is reached. Note: There is no automatic volume checking. |
Usage volume unit |
Unit of the volume, i.e. running hours, kilometers, etc. |
On the setup tab, you can define the reference values for the operations. Per type operation the reference value fields will be different. These reference values will be presented when selecting the possible types of operations. The operation type check is linked to a reference group. The other types of operations have reference value setting which can be defied on the operation. The fields can valy based on the operation type.
Reference values |
Return value type |
The return refernce value can be manual or equipment property. When manual is chosen, the upper and lower limits need to be defined on the maintenance operation. When equipment property is chosen, the upper and lower limets can be linked to fields of the equipment property sheets. |
Return reference type |
The possible options are interger, real or alphanumeric. |
Upper limit |
The upper limit as applicable for this operation. This upper limit will be visible on the workorder task and the relevant documentation. |
Lower limit |
The lower limit as applicable for this operation. This lower limit will be visible on the workorder task and the relevant documentation. |
Unit |
The unit of the measured return value. |
Part |
The (spare) part related to the operation. The part is not integrated into the product master data of Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations . |
Location codes
Maintenance Management - HSO NN > Setup > Resource > Location codes
A location code can be specified for equipment. This location code can be used for multiple purposes. The region code can be usedfor filtering options. Once equipment is linked to a location, it can be used for filtering options in wor korder list page as well as selection criteria while creating a new workorder. Based on the resource selection setup location codes can be matched with a resource (group) in order to able to forecast the work on the appropriate resource (group). Be aware that this is only used for forecasting. During scheduling there is no location check.
Description |
Description of the location code |
Resource selection setup
Maintenance Management - HSO NN > Setup > Resource > Resource selection setup
The resource selection setup is used for a variety of combination which resource should fit best for a certain maintenance task.
Location code |
Select either a region code in case of "group" or equipment in case of "table". Select none if the option "all" was selected in the previous field |
Skill type |
Relation type to use for the skill selection |
Skill |
Select either a region code in case of "group" or equipment in case of "table". Select none if the option "all" was selected in the previous field |
Resource |
Select the resource (group) which best fits to the previous settings. |
Maintenance Schedules
Maintenance Management - HSO NN > Setup > Maintenance schedule > Maintenance schedule
A frequency schedule is activated for an individual piece of equipment. Per equipment one or multiple maintenance schedules can be defined and later activated in the maintenance plan screen. The maintenance schedule is based on a schedule type which can be: Manual, Frequency and interval.
Usage volume unit |
The unit used for the usage volume. I.e. hours, kilometers. This is used for information purpose only |
Schedule type |
In total three different types of scheduling are applicable. Frequency: Number of visits in a period Interval: Maintenance after a predefined usage, i.e. hours, kilometers, etc. Manual: Visit lines define manually operations, to be used outside of the normal scheduled maintenance. |
Maintenance plan type |
In total two types of maintenance plans are applicable: Static: When the plan is of the type static, the proposed dates of the maintenance tasks will stay the same as defined in the maintenance plan. Dynamic: When the plan is of the type dynamics, the proposed date of the next maintenance task will be update based on the realization date of the previous maintenance task. I.e. when you normally do maintenance every first of the month and one of the tasks is realized on the third of the month, the next maintenance task will be proposed based on this realized date and therfore will also be on the third of the month. |
Equipment types |
Remaining equipment types |
These remaining equipment types can't be linked to this maintenance schedule. |
Selected equipment types |
The selected equipment types can be linked to this maintenance schedule. |
Frequency lines |
No of visits |
Number of visits that must take place within the defined period. I.e. 1 visit per 1 month. |
Frequency period |
Number of periods. This value is related to the period in the period column |
Period |
Period for the number of visits |
Margin days early |
When (re)scheduling a maintenance task in the graphical planning, a popup wil appear when the task is scheduled earlier that the allowed margin. This popup is shown to indicate that the scheduled date is outside the normal allowed bandwidth. |
Margin days later |
When (re)scheduling a maintenance task in the graphical planning, a popup wil appear when the task is scheduled later that the allowed margin. This popup is shown to indicate that the scheduled date is outside the normal allowed bandwidth. |
Force |
If ticked, this vist always applies |
Usage |
The maximum usage in the period. This value is related to the primary meter and is used for calculating the planned maintenance date. |
Event code |
The event code that will be used to create the work order task. Make sure that this event code can be used with the different equipment types. |
Task list template |
Instead of creating one task via the event code selection, it is also possible to create multiple tasks when working with planned maintenance. This can be done by using the task list template. In the task list template, it is possible to define multiple event codes that should be used for the creating of planned maintenance tasks. |
Work order type |
Work order type that will be used when creating a work order task and work order from planned maintenance. |
Work order status |
Work order status to assign in the workorder type case. |
Line details |
The line details tab contains mostly the same information as discribed above. For explanation of solution code, cause code and complaint code, see statistic codes. |
Button operations
See operations
Button copy maintenance
With the button copy maintenance it is possible to copy an existing maintenance to a new maintenance.
Maintenance schedule selection
Maintenance Management - HSO NN > Setup > Maintenance schedule > Maintenance schedule selection
It is possible to make the selection of the maintenance schedule easier by creating a maintenance schedule selection. Based on the settings, you don't have to select a maintenance schedule manually, but you can use the auto selection check box in the maintenance plan. Based on the selected equipment, and the setup, the correct maintenance schedule will be added to the maintenance plan.
Equipment relation |
Combined with the equipment code type, leave empty for all, select equipment type for group or equipment id for table. |
Maintenance schedule |
Select the maintenance schedule to be used for the combination set before. |
Task list template
Maintenance Management - HSO NN > Setup > Maintenance schedule > Task list template
While setting up a maintenance schedule, it is possible to select either an event code to create on task or a task list template to create mulitple tasks as part of the maintenance plan. Based on the event codes defined in the task list template, multiple tasks can be created for the defined duration and the proposed group of resources. Per line task will be created in teh planned maintenance. All the tasks will be linked to one work order.
Description |
Extended description for the task list template |
Tasks |
Eventcode |
Select the event code(s) that need to be part of this task list template. |
Description |
Description for this line. This needs to be added manually. |
Task list template |
Task list template name |
Group |
Select a proposed resource group for this line. This resource group will be added to the hour line of the task for forcasting purposes. |
Estimated duration |
Enter the estimated duration in hours for this line. |